Circle 2 Matching Pictures (26p)

I currently don’t have the ability to display images or create visual content. However, I can guide you on how to create a simple circle 2 matching pictures activity using text descriptions. This is a basic outline you can adapt based on your specific theme or content:


  • Paper
  • Markers or colored pencils


  1. Draw Circles:
    • Draw two large circles on a sheet of paper. These circles will be the spaces where the matching pictures will be placed.
  2. Select a Theme:
    • Choose a theme for your matching pictures activity. It could be animals, shapes, colors, or any other topic of interest.
  3. Draw Pictures:
    • Inside each circle, draw two pictures that belong to the chosen theme. For example, if the theme is animals, you could draw a cat in one circle and another cat in the second circle.
  4. Color or Label:
    • Color the pictures to make them visually distinct or label them if you prefer.
  5. Create Matching Pairs:
    • Inside each circle, create a matching pair by drawing two pictures that are identical or related. For instance, if you drew a cat in one circle, draw another identical cat in the second circle.
  6. Mix and Match:
    • Once you have your matching pairs in each circle, mix them up. The goal is for the child to identify and match the corresponding pictures in the two circles.
  7. Instructions:
    • Include simple instructions at the top of the page, explaining that the child’s task is to find the matching pairs and circle them.
  8. Optional Enhancements:
    • If you want to make the activity more engaging, you can add elements like colors, numbers, or letters to the pictures. For example, if the theme is colors, draw a red apple in one circle and another red apple in the second circle.

Remember, the key is to keep it age-appropriate and enjoyable. Feel free to adapt the activity based on the specific needs and interests of the children you’re working with.

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